No, they're not covered by our renter, condo or homeowner policies. We understand the need for this important coverage, and PEMCO Agency can help you secure a quote with a specialized earthquake insurance carrier. Please call 1-800-467-3626 to learn more.​
Damages due to environmental flooding (water outside the home) aren’t covered by renter, condo and homeowner policies. Flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program. Our professionals at PEMCO Agency can help you get a policy. For more information, call 1-800-467-3626. ​
To make sure you have the right level of coverage for these specific items, please contact us​.​
Your home is being insured for what it would cost to rebuild it. Some of the factors we review include geography, cost of materials and labor, ease of access to the site, etc. It's different than an assessed or appraised value. ​

You and your neighbor should both file a claim with your own insurers. Your policy's liability section may provide coverage if you've been negligent in taking care of the tree, and that negligence contributed to the tree falling. 

The policy will provide coverage for the damage to your home. Debris-removal coverage also will be available, up to $2,000, since the tree damaged a covered structure.​

Wildfire mitigation actions taken by you are important, and we consider them when we are reviewing the wildfire risks associated with your property during our review of your application.  Such actions are not a guarantee that we will issue a policy. 
Wildfire mitigation action does not directly impact the premium you pay. However, wildfire mitigation actions taken by you are important, and we consider them when we are reviewing the wildfire risks associated with your property. Such actions are not a guarantee that we will renew your policy.
Your Loss of Use provision will help you with living expenses if you can't live in your home. It can also be triggered without damage to your home if the authorities order an evacuation. If you're evacuated, once you've reached a safe location, please call us at 1-800-467-3626.​