
Earthquake preparedness: How to get ready | PEMCO

October 4, 2024 by PEMCO Insurance

GettyImages-2148873508.jpgWe’re sure you haven’t forgotten, but just in case, here’s a reminder: The Pacific Northwest is Earthquake Country. 
While we don’t know when Mother Nature may deliver the next quake, we do know that due to our location in the Pacific Ring of Fire, the convergence of tectonic plates, and the presence of active fault lines . . . earthquakes will happen around here. Many of them will be so small we’ll never even feel them. But some may be much larger. 
It’s crucial to be prepared for the next earthquake, which is why PEMCO—alongside organizations like, FEMA, The Washington State Seismic Safety Committee, and WADNR—support and observe The Great Shakeout. 

What is the Great Shakeout? 

The Great Shakeout is an internationally recognized opportunity to practice how to be safer during big earthquakes (remember “Drop, Cover, and Hold on”). In Washington and Oregon, it’s been organized to encourage Pacific Northwest residents—including their schools and organizations—to review and update emergency preparedness protocols, plans, and supplies. 
This year, Shakeout Day is October 17th. Millions of people across the country will be participating and raising awareness as they participate in safety drills at work, school, or home! 
You can learn more about the Great Washington Shakeout and the Great Oregon Shakeout for information relevant to your own city or community. We encourage you to participate and get involved! 

What should I do if an earthquake hits? 

Advice has changed over the years about the best way to escape injury in an earthquake. Once, experts said you should crouch in a doorway.   

Now, they recommend that you Drop, Cover, and Hold On. 

This means you should:  

  • drop to your hands and knees,   

  • cover your head and neck with one arm and take shelter under a sturdy desk or table (stay on your knees to protect vital organs), and   

  • hold on with the other hand until the shaking stops.   

Hanging on is important because you can move with your shelter if it shifts, staying protected from falling debris. If there’s no shelter to get under, curl up along an inside wall on your knees and cover your head and neck with both arms. If you use a wheelchair or can’t get on the floor, stay seated (with wheels locked on your wheelchair) and bend forward, covering your head and neck with your arms or a pillow.  

Not everyone has heard about the Drop, Cover, Hold On technique and are surprised to learn recommendations have changed.   

“In 2001, during the Nisqually quake, we were living in a split-level house with our one-year-old son,” a Mill Creek, Wash., PEMCO member told us. “When it hit, I scooped him out of his playpen and held him while I crouched in the kitchen doorway.  

“Even though we were fine, it’s a little creepy knowing now that what I did wasn’t the safest choice.”  

Experts say that the fear of a ceiling collapse, which prompted a lot of advice aimed at positioning yourself so you’d have a “void” area around you, is overblown thanks to current building codes and earthquake retrofits (like bolting structures to foundations). With the exception of a true megaquake, a ceiling collapse is unlikely.  

Running outside comes with its own dangers, too, including injury from falling while trying to run when the ground is shaking, being hit by crumbling masonry from chimneys, or electric shock from downed power lines. 

What else can I do to prepare? 

We always recommend signing up for emergency alerts to be a part of everyone’s emergency preparedness plan (even emergencies that aren’t caused by earthquakes). You can sign up for Washington state emergency alerts here and Oregon emergency alerts here

Also, consider downloading the Red Cross and FEMA apps for real-time weather alerts and help locating shelters in an emergency.    

What should I do if an earthquake hits while I’m driving? 

Other than noticing the steering feels a little off, it’s often hard to tell if an earthquake is happening when you’re driving. Once you’ve realized, though (hello, swaying light pole!), there are a few things you should do:  

  • Get off bridges and overpasses.  

  • Pull over to the shoulder (away from trees, poles, or buildings).  

  • Set the parking brake and leave your seatbelt on.  

  • Wait until the shaking stops.  

  • If you’re near the beach, drive to higher ground (in case there’s a tsunami).  

  • Tune in AM radio for emergency alerts.  

  • Text your family to make sure everyone is safe.  

How can I prepare my home to be safer during an earthquake? 

Emergency preparations can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got this! Here are the top three areas to focus on:  

  1. Make sure your home is bolted to its foundation. While that’s a requirement for newer construction, some older homes may need retrofitting.   

  1. Do an “earthquake sweep” through your house:   

  • Kitchen. Install childproof latches on cupboard doors to keep them closed. In homes without small children, move cleaners and chemicals to lower shelves so they can’t tumble out and spill.  

  • Bedrooms. Scoot your bed away from the window and remove pictures hanging over the headboard.  

  • Living and family rooms. Apply safety film to strengthen sliding glass doors and picture windows.    

  • Garage. Post signs showing where and how to shut off utilities like natural gas, and make sure you have the tools needed to do the job (a special wrench, for example). Strap your water heater to the wall.  

  1. Make an emergency kit.  

Do I need earthquake insurance? 

It’s a good idea! 

It’s important to know that virtually no homeowners policies sold in the United States (including PEMCO’s) cover most damage caused by earthquakes. However, PEMCO can help you find coverage with insurers that specialize in it through PEMCO Insurance Agency. 
Insurance sold specifically for damage from earthquakes may cover things like:  

  • Your home 

  • Your personal contents 

  • Detached structures like sheds, gazebos, driveways, and patios 

  • Loss of Use (which can pay for additional living expenses if you can’t live in your home after an earthquake) 

If you insure your home with PEMCO, you’ll have a head start with information we already have on file about your home, like age, square footage, and construction characteristics. Getting a quote is easy! 
To get an earthquake insurance quote, you can speak with a licensed agent at 1-800-MY-PEMCO (or 1-800-697-3626), or e-mail to get a quote at

We know that earthquake insurance may not be for everyone, but it’s worth a no-obligation discussion to understand the benefits and prices in your area. 

Part of keeping our home, family, and loved ones safe is understanding the risks so that we know how to best prepare for them. We can’t control Mother Nature, but we can certainly take proactive steps to prepare for whatever she throws our way. 

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