
Not yet registered to vote? There’s still time

August 30, 2020 by PEMCO Insurance

​If you're not yet registered to vote or your current voter registration shows an outdated name or address, there's still time for you to safely register online in Washington and Oregon for the general election – no need to leave home. While the online registration deadlines aren't until next month, why not do it now in case of any COVID-related processing delays?

As fans of thinking big and acting local, we thought it was important to bring you this reminder. All of us who live in and love the Northwest have a stake in its future. Individually, each of us does a lot of good for the causes that are important to us. But when we engage collectively in civic life, we can do even more.

Registering to vote says, "I care enough not to simply let others speak for me on Nov. 3." And at PEMCO, we believe no force is stronger than the power of human connection to help communities grow stronger and thrive. Check out this video, Every Beat Matters.

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