
Recycle stuff you never thought you’d get rid of

February 28, 2021 by PEMCO Insurance

Is your broken laptop gathering dust in your closet? How about leftover cans of paint from your "seafoam green" phase? And what about all those single-use plastic bags that made a comeback during the pandemic?

GettyImages-657570574.jpgYou can rid yourself of those and other unwanted items without sending them to the landfill. Washington and Oregon offer recycling programs that go far beyond curbside pickup. Here are some you'll want to know about – but check for any COVID-19 shutdowns or reduced hours before visiting:

Electronics. Electronic components may contain toxins like lead, mercury and cadmium, meaning most electronics require some disassembly to safely recycle. E-Cycle Washington and Oregon E-Cycles can help you find free recycling drop-off sites near you for items including TVs, computers and monitors. Some big-box electronics retailers, including Staples and Best Buy, also accept hard-to-recycle items like cell phones, toner cartridges and printers at no charge.

Appliances, motor oil, batteries and fluorescent lights. Many county transfer stations now collect these once-banned items for recycling. Your county's website is the best place to start to see what's recyclable and any per-day limits on specific items.

Paint. Cities and counties long have had a patchwork of recommendations for dealing with unwanted paint. Oregon and, beginning next month, Washington are among states participating in a uniform paint-stewardship program to help homeowners responsibly dispose of latex and oil-based house paint, stains, varnishes and more. The program is funded by a fee added to the purchase price of new paint. Check the PaintCare locator to find a drop-off location near you.

Single-use plastic bags. Before the pandemic, Oregon had banned single-use plastic bags at stores and restaurants, with Washington planning a similar statewide ban to take effect at the start of 2021. However, both states have temporarily paused restrictions over concerns that reusable bags could facilitate transmission of COVID-19. If you now have a stash of those bags accumulating under the sink, visit, enter your ZIP code and find retailers where you can drop them off.

Friendly reminder: Think 'rightcycling'

Tons of recyclable materials wind up in the landfill each year because well-intentioned people try to recycle things that aren't recyclable. Their tossed plastic-coated cups, goopy ketchup bottles and other items can end up contaminating an entire batch of recyclables. We love this quick-reference guide, courtesy of Waste Management, to help you recycle right. Check it out!

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